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Activity Board President

July 25, 2024
Good day to everyone. July has been a rough month here at Tree Lakes. We have lost several of our residents and several more are dealing with serious medical conditions. Please continue to pray for all of them. August means a few of us will be out of the park traveling. We will have summer Koffee on 8/6 and 8/13. 8/20 we will meet at Poppi’s. There will be NO Koffee on 8/27.
On Sunday August 18 the clubhouse will be closed for a private event from 12-6pm.
One more hurricane month down, 4 to go.🤞🏻
Can’t believe summer is just about over. Kids going back to school already. All for now. Be safe. Looking forward to a great season!
July 10, 2024
Just a quick note. Hope everyone is having a great summer. We are hot here in sunny Florida. Getting some rain but we could use more. One month of hurricane season down, 5 to go. Not much happening around here. Extremely quiet. As a nurse we never used the Q word, as it was sure to bring chaos in the door. My prayer every day is to keep the storms away. Several full time residents are traveling up north to visit family and friends. I’m headed that way at the end of the month too. I’ll sign off for now.
May 25,2024
Hello friends. I hope all is well with you and your families. And I trust that you made it safely to your homes up north. It is very quiet here in the park.
Just wanted to update you on the happenings here in the last couple of weeks.
The pool refurbishing is complete. We are just waiting for it to “cure” before we can begin to use it agin. It is beautiful.
The new concrete in the Outdoor Activity Area has been poured. I can’t wait to see all the ways we utilize it next season.
Of course we continue to play darts every week and a group has started a friendly poker game on Wednesdays.
Our summer folks are planning a pot-luck, fried chicken dinner on Memorial Day. Sadly I will miss it, as I am in Indiana to attend my Granddaughter’s high school Graduation. Seems like just yesterday she was starting Kindergarten.
I am going to try and,post pictures of the new concrete and the pool if I can figure out how. Lol.
I wish you all a great summer. Keep us summer peeps in your prayers that we are safe from storms.
February 17, 2024
I was disappointed that the proposed project to expand the Sports Lunch area did not pass at the Annual Meeting. Anyone who comes to these lunches sees how crowded it is and can see the need for expansion. We had hopes that upon completion this area could be used for many different events. For example: the Book Club could meet there, the Bon Voyage Party could utilize the space, Secret PAL reveal could be held there and residents could reserve the area for a birthday or family reunion party. It is NOT just for sports lunches. I believe the confusion comes from it always being referred to as the “sports lunch/tent area”. That is because it really has no “official “ name. Going forward we will refer to it as the Outdoor Activity Area. Think of it as an outdoor extension of the Cypress Room.

This project is being paid for by the Activity Board. Projects like this are why we have our fund raising events throughout the year. This could be a great benefit to all of our residents.

Over 100 owners did not vote. An unreturned ballot is the same as a NO vote. 250 owners voted yes, leaving us 12 shy of the 262 needed for the measure to pass. The owners petitioned for another vote on this measure. On March 7 we will hold a Special Meeting of the owners for this purpose. Watch for the ballots to be distributed. Your YES vote is needed.
JoAnn Walter Activity Board President 

Oct. 5, 2023

I’m so glad to be back home in our beautiful community. My trip back from Indiana was uneventful but LONG. I had a wonderful visit with family and friends.
Once again I want to thank the many people who have stepped up and given of their time and talents to keep our park running smoothly.
Season is FAST approaching and I’m getting excited to see everyone and for all our fabulous events to get started.
Some of our residents are beginning to arrive. For those of you headed south soon, I wish you smooth sailing and safe travels.
see you soon I hope.

August 18, 2023

Good morning all. 
Summer heat and little rain has been the norm for several weeks now.
I’ve been reading , playing cards and board games with friends to pass the time.
Couple of news items to report. We were able to purchase a couple of dart boards and we have been enjoying some friendly tournament play on Thursday afternoons during Social Hour.

On Monday August 21 the resurfacing of the tennis/pickle ball courts will begin. It will be in great shape for the 23/24 season.

Our volunteers have been doing a bang up job filling in as needed around the park. Many thanks to all of them.

I will be out of the park for the month of September. Going up to my hometown in Indiana hopefully to cooler weather. 

Before you know it, all our seasonal residents will be back and the fun will begin. I am resting up and planning a few new things. Bring you dancing shoes as we will be doing lots of that.

So long for now. Keep the park in your prayers that hurricanes stay far far away.


June 19, 2023

The dogs days of summer are upon us. Hot, hazy days with afternoon showers/storms becoming the norm.

Not much to report, it’s pretty quiet around here these days.

All of our regular weekly events ( Bingo, Koffee Klatch and Social Hour) are back up and running. Cheri Neville has found a dart board for sale. Via a text message,  I canvassed the Activity Board members and it was unanimous that we move forward with the purchase.  Looking forward to some dart tournaments soon.  

We will be having a July 4th Potluck at 5:00 pm. We discussed grilling hamburgers and hotdogs but the consensus was to have fried chicken. Please sign up by the mailboxes so we can figure out how much chicken to buy. As usual bring your table service and a dish to share. I think people enjoyed the games after Memorial dinner so lets do that again.  

Several residents continue to battle health issues so keep them in your prayers. Also pray that any major storms stay far away from Tree Lakes.🙏🏻🙏🏻

Until next time, JoAnn

May 30, 2023

Hope everyone had a peaceful Memorial Day. We had a nice Potluck Dinner in the Cypress Room. There were almost 50 in attendance and the food was plentiful and yummy.  Several stayed around afterward to play cards and board games.

The kitchen remodeling is in full swing. The floor is done and the cabinets are progressing nicely. I think the pale grey color is beautiful. After a little hiccup with the door/drawer pulls, the new black ones look great.  Countertops and sinks going in the end of this week. I’m excited to see the finished product. Next step, pick a color for the walls. Need some bright color to pop and contrast with all the grey. A couple of suggestions are: coral, teal or yellow.  I will pick up some samples and bring them to Koffee to get some input.

Speaking of Koffee; even though we can’t use the kitchen yet, we still have Koffee Klatch on Tuesdays. We gather at 8 and at 8:30 we have a very informal meeting. Right now we are requesting you bring your own coffee and we will still have pastry selections to choose from. Most Tuesdays we do a 50/50 drawing.  Tuesday JUNE 6 we will meet at Popi’s at 8 for breakfast. 

Bingo will be back in business next Monday June 5. Hope to see you there. 

Happy hours will will also resume Thursday June 1 at 5:00 in the Cypress Room. Come join us for fellowship and to keep up to date on Park happenings. 

Until next time.   JoAnn🤓✌🏻👒🐊🌴🌻🌞🌙

May 17, 2023

Happy Wednesday.  Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. Although I was not with my son and granddaughter, it was a good day. Had Brunch with my friend which included a mimosa🍾.

  • We are already experiencing hot temps and lots of gorgeous sunshine. Not much rain but rainy season is right around the corner. This made the road sealing go as planned except for one small glitch. All roads and parking lot sealed and painting done👏🏻👏🏻.  Kitchen floor has been replaced (looks great) and cabinet resurfacing scheduled first week of June. Kurt Miller has removed the cabinet doors and drawer fronts as well as the counter tops, sinks and faucets.  Thanks Kurt.  Sadly this means we have not been having Koffee Klatch. I really miss seeing everyone. Working on a fix for that. Watch this space and the gate message board for details.

We will be having a Memorial Day potluck. I am making pulled pork and ask that EVERYONE bring a dish to share. Please sign up on sheet by the pool so I know how much to make. Due to no kitchen access please bring table service, drinks and serving spoons for your dish. We will also have a cooler full of soft drinks and water. Bring a game or cards and hang around afterwards for fun and fellowship.

A note of concern is that several of our residents are currently going through some pretty significant health issues. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers 🙏🏻

Adios until next time😊

April 15, 2023

Sadly our very successful season has come to an end.  We had many sports tournaments, potluck dinners,breakfasts, ice cream socials, exercise classes, card games, bingo, create workshops, quilting, Art classes, music jams and bible study.

In addition we had Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners, soup supper, Super Bowl Party, sports lunches and Ladies Luncheon. Seems like all we did was eat. LOL  We also had dances, a Welcome Back Party, Memorial Dance, Bon Voyage Party and a Trike parade with caroling. Our Casino night was well attended and $9945 was raised. The Park Sale made a whopping $15,854. We purchased a new ice machine, signed a contract to resurface the tennis/pickleball court, bought some new microphones to update the PA system and allocated $10,000 toward the kitchen update. I always say if you are bored it’s your own fault.😊

As we now begin our summer season remember we still have Tuesday morning Koffee Klatch and Thursday afternoon socials. Please join us and stay in touch. Though we are few, I still care to know what is going on with the residents. Plans include get togethers for Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day. Details will follow.

If you have already left I hope you had a safe, uneventful trip and if your travel is upcoming be safe.
When you return the roads will have been sealed, tennis courts refreshed and the kitchen update should be complete.

Please keep Tree Lakes in your prayers that we have no big storms this summer. Last year Ian gave us all much concern.

Watch this space as I plan to give you updates throughout the summer.


Welcome to the Activity Board President's Blog

A new Activities Board was elected earlier this month.  I'm JoAnn Walter President: Cindy Haskett is the Vice President.  Other members are Jackie Sharp, secretary, Kathie Miller, Mary Podobinski, Eve Cummins, Sue Giroux and Toni Mondrzejewski.  Alternates are Pat Staerr and Jane Hilaire.

Things are really going strong on the Activities front.  January 28, we had our first Casino Night in a couple of years. It was well attended, and everyone had a great time.  Patty Stephens won the years HOA fees and Barry Groh won the fire pit table in the big raffle.  We raised just shy of $10,000.  Woo Hoo!!!
Cahal Dunne entertained us again on February 4 and as usual was a big hit.
The February Dance featured Taylor and Taylor.  There were over 150 in attendance.
After missing a couple of years, we had a Super Bowl party.  70 tickets were sold.  We had good food and some friendly rivalry.
Of course, we continue our great sports tournaments, with large numbers of people participating.

Our plans for the next few weeks include Park Sale (formerly Bazaar) with raffles, breakfast, lunch and bake sale.  This is another big money maker for the park. Also, a Ladies Luncheon (hosted by the men), Spring Arts Festival, Memorial Dance in the Parking Lot, Strawberry Festival, March Dance featuring Sound Waves, Bon Voyage Party in the Parking Lot (Dana Jewell providing music), and a park wide Yard Sale (if you found things after the big Park Sale you want to get rid of).

Hard to believe this season is fast coming to a close.  I feel like we are back up and running comparable to Pre-Covid levels. I invite you, on behalf of the Activities Board, to come on out and join in all the fun events we have to offer here in our beautiful Park.

My door is aways open.  My email in the park directory is incorrect.  It is [email protected].  Just 1 J.  We have several committees without a chairperson.  We need volunteers to help us keep all these wonderful events happening.  Please consider stepping up for one of the existing events or come up with a brand new one.
If I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting you, please come up and introduce yourself to me.  I look forward to seeing each and every one of you around the park.
 See you soon.

JoAnn Walter