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Assoc. President

Hello Tree Lakes family 
It is with a heavy heart and happiness that I write this note. I know that that statement seems to sound a little strange. Let me explain, As everyone is aware hurricane Milton devastated our area leaving our community with damaged roof demolished homes and power outages. At first glance I must admit the cleanup task seemed daunting and insurmountable.   
Clearly, I was wrong because when I walked the community on day 6, power is restored, Debris is cleared and homes are being repaired. I know we have a lot of work ahead of us. But what we have accomplished in such a short time is remarkable. A true example of what the Tree Lakes family can accomplish. So when I say I have a heavy heart, it is because this event happened and so many people are hurting because of it.  At the same time my heart is happy to see people come together with love and determination. To everyone involved from communication to prayer I say thank you.
I am confident with this kind of effort we will not only restore Tree Lakes, we will also be stronger by doing so.

Hello Tree Lakes family 
What a great day it is, clear skies and vibrant excitement outside my window. It has been fun to see grandchildren and visitors enjoying the amenities and laughter with family.  I must admit these sights and sounds help to take my mind off the reality that the season is coming to a close, and members of our community are beginning their summer adventures.  I wish everyone in that group safe travels and I look forward to seeing you next season.
As I set at my desk this morning, I hear the chain saws clearing the site for the activities area renovation.  It is a little bittersweet. On one hand we are losing some beautiful trees, on the other hand they will be replaced with a nice area for everyone to use.  I am looking forward to hearing the laughter and excitement as well as sharing the memories created in this improved space.
Every time I think about the improvements we have made to our community; I can't help but think of how many members of our community it takes to make these things happen. To them I say thank you! With that said I want to encourage everyone to look around and find a way to introduce your favorite activities to the community or share a special talent you may have. I can tell you this will be a rewarding experience for anyone that decides to give of themselves.  
In closing, please remember that the pool renovation is May 6th please make preparation for this time without water activities. 
Remember to surround yourself with positive people, laugh a lot and make great memories. 


Good morning Tree Lakes family. 
What a great week and weekend, the Bon voyage party was a success.  special thanks to Diann Jefferies and everyone involved for their hard work and dedication.  As always Dana Jewell provided great music. The lake team was busy as well, introducing new fish to the lake on Saturday.  These fish will feed on the larva of unwanted bugs.
This was an exciting part of the lake revitalization process, thanks everyone for your help.
I know we are coming up on the end of the season for some, I would like to wish all of those leaving safe travels.  I look forward to seeing you next season, I also look forward to seeing posts of your adventures while you are away. 
Prior to leaving, please take a look around your home and make sure everything is put away and secure, awnings are down and your agent is notified. This process will assure that your home is in great shape when you return. Lastly don't forget to look around as you make your way through the community and see if you can pick out improvement, wet paint, clean surfaces or new light fixtures.  These are all things that go on unnoticed. Please take the time to let the staff know you appreciate their hard work.
Remember to laugh allot and love one another.


Good morning.
Another great week is underway, filled with fun, great weather and activities. I trust that all of you are as busy as Beth and I are. I am pleased to announce that the sports area renovation was approved and activities will be coordinating the project.  Also, the pool resurfacing will begin sometime in May.  I am excited knowing that when we return next season, we will be able to see and enjoy these new improvements.    
Unfortunately, I know some of you will be leaving soon for the season. Please take the time to check and secure all lose items and your awning is down. Also make sure you have an agent.  This preparation is critical to assure that we are ready for the hurricane season. 
Also I am pleased to say that the new gate box is working well. This system provides more capabilities than the old one. Now you can issue temporary access to venders and or renter. This is an easy process all you need to do is come to the office and Dan will set this up for you.  DO NOT GIVE YOUR CODE TO OTHERS. Remember the gate is one of the components that keep our community a safe place.  
Please make sure to congratulate Jimmy for receiving his pool certification. In closing pleas stay involved, make memories, and fill the air around you will laughter and love.

Good morning.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Beth and I did. At the pool during the day and on the dance floor for the evening.  Topping the weekend off with strawberry shortcake on Sunday.  Thanks to everyone involved for their hard work and preparation.  I don't know about everyone else, but I am so proud of the appearance of the resort. Dan and the staff are doing a great job making sure everything is in good shape for our enjoyment. Lastly please take time to look around and enjoy all the beautiful sights and sounds our community has to offer.  Until next week get involved and laugh allot and love one another.

Good morning all.
It is a great morning this morning.  On my walk to the office, I was greeted by birds singing and children laughing, and that is always a good thing.
This weekend was an exciting weekend, the park sale and the Marta Grau celebration precented a lot of interesting sounds and activities.  I don't know about you, but those sites and sounds put me in a festive mood. judging from the volume of visitors I am optimistic the park sale will go on record as being a success.  I want to say thank you to all the people that worked so hard to make the event possible. 
I am pleased to say the gate is online and working fine.  The new system has some new features that will make it easier to keep the park secure.  One of the new features is the ability to issue a vendor pass that will allow those businesses such as pest control an access code to enter the park. just come in the office and Dan will set them up as a vendor eliminating the need to give them your code. By doing this we add to the security of the park and prevent unscheduled and unwanted guests from coming in our park.
I know new products and new ways of doing things can be difficult and stressful at time but be patient it will soon be easier and more convenient. 
until next time please make it a point to look around you and be thankful, laugh often and love one another.

Good morning all
it is a great day, we received needed rain this weekend and everything is beautiful.
I am pleased to say the board elections are behind us. With that said I am pleased with the results and honored to serve for another term as president. To the new board members, I say welcome aboard and thank you for making yourself available. I look forward to our accomplishments. 
Also I am glad to let everyone know that the gate should be operational today.  Please keep in mind this system is new and may take some time to work the bugs out, so smile and be patient. Speaking of new things, the fishing dock is complete and looks wonderful especially at night with the lights glowing.  I am told that the team will be connecting the water for the fish cleaning station this week.  Lastly please remember to look at the beuity in the park and say thank you to the committees and or people responsible.

Good morning everyone.
This is a great time in the park, all the activities and new faces are providing the park with a boost of excitement.  One of the more difficult decisions is how to squeeze in another activity, to our already crowded schedule, and that is a good thing.  As I have said many times in the past volunteering and participation is the key to the wonderful atmosphere of the park, so please keep it up. 
As everyone is aware the annual meeting is just around the corner and elections, please make it a point to attend and let your voice be heard.
Also please take the time to enjoy the newly renovated fishing dock, it is beautiful.  Thanks to everyone that worked hard on that project.  
Lastly please remember to greet those that are new to the park and say thank you to those that are working hard to make sure that the park is beautiful, and everything is working well.

Good morning,
I hope everyone is enjoying the park and surrounding areas. Beth and I are to the point that it seems that the days are flying by.  While walking to the office this morning, I was pleased to see all the activity of the birds and squirrels along the path. In that moment the thought passed through my mind the importance of being mindful of what is going on around us. As I got to the office I saw the team of volunteers working on the dock. And when I entered I noticed the installation of the security cameras underway. Once again I was reminded how many people it takes to make our park what it is.  To all those that are involved I extend a big thank you.  As everyone is aware we are coming up on the Annual Meeting. This is a very important meeting as we are voting on candidates for open board positions, bylaw changes, and proposed changes to common ground. It is very important that everyone take part in this process. Lastly if you look closely you will see some improvement that have not been publicized such as new signs for the handicap parking area and fresh paint on the lamp polls at the front of the office, as well as fresh painted curbs. This represents a ongoing effort to spruce up the appearance of the park. So please take the time to look around and notice other changes moving forward. And don't forget to say thank you to the people responsible.
Until next time please continue to laugh, have fun and make beautiful memories.

Good morning all.
What a great weekend!  Beth and I enjoyed time by the pool.  Also, Casino Night was a fantastic time. Special thanks to all involved in the coordination of this event. It is so nice to enjoy great friends and good food and never leave your home.  It would be a miss if I did not mention football, I must say the games were exciting and I am looking forward to the Superbowl. 
On another note, I would like to thank everyone that came to the Town Hall meeting to meet the candidates for election. I hope the questions presented gave everyone an idea of the candidate's point of view. During the town hall a lot of questions were raised that stressed the need for better communication. I intend to direct our focus on responding to all suggestion forms and improving that process.  I would like to remind everyone to make sure to lock your cars inside the park, especially while the gate is down.  This will minimize the chance of possible thefts. I will keep everyone posted on the gate progress as I get the information. In closing,I encurage everyone to stay involved and laugh a lot.

Good morning Tree Lakes.
I hope everyone is doing well.  I have enjoyed the cooler weather, but I must admit I have a limit to my tolerance. The park is full and very active and that is a good thing. Even in the cooler weather you can hear the sound of pickle ball, shuffleboard and people in the pool. I cannot speak for everyone, but for me those sounds put me in a great mood.  
The board is busy as well, preparing for the annual meeting passing out ballads and making sure that everyone understands the importance of their vote.   Not only are we voting on a ByLaw Change and Common Ground Improvement, but we are also voting to fill the open positions on the board.  I am excited to say that we have seven great candidates running. I would encourage everyone to get to know each candidate. Their names are Nancy Berkley, Ronald Chapman, Thomas Frost, Larry Hess, David Huelsbeck, Peggy Moffat, John Rockey. I am excited that people are active and involved.  This confirms that our park is healthy.  Also, we have several projects scheduled or under way, they are dock renovation, security camera installation, and out gate replacement. I know I do this al lot, but I want to thank everyone for their effort to complete all the work and activities that I have listed.  Although I am running again my term with this board is coming to an end.   I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support during my time as president.  I hope the body of work the board has completed during this time is acceptable to each of you.
If elected for another term I look forward to serving all of you.
Until next time….laugh a lot and make great memories.


Good morning Tree Lakes.
I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year.  I am looking forward to a great year of fun, memories and accomplishments. I am pleased to say that several new projects are under way. The damaged gate has been removed and we are waiting on the new gate to be finished and installed.  Security Now, has been authorized to order the materials to complete the installation of the cameras throughout the park.  I will provide completion dates as I receive them.
I am excited to see all the activity around the park and after visiting an activities board meeting I am confident that that is not changing anytime soon.  Thanks to all of the committed people for working to make things happen for all of us.  Please stay involved by participating or offering to help others. Lastly if you are interested in running for election to the Association Board, please make sure to get your letter of Candidacy in by January 7th. I can tell you from experience a board position is very rewarding.
Until next time have fun, laugh a lot and stay involved.

Good morning Tree Lakes.
A quick note this morning wishing all of you a Happy New Year.  I hope your Christmas was filled with blessings and fun. Beth and I had a great time with family and friends.  The holidays are a busy time for all.  The challenge is to take time to enjoy the festivities and acknowledge all the good people and things around us that have a positive impact on our lives.
I am so happy to see the progress each committee is making in the park. Some examples: Activities is coordinating the upcoming New Year dance.  Facilities is moving forward with the security cameras, as well as the repair of the fishing dock and experimenting will solar lights on poles without power.  Beautification is working on the continuous project of keeping our park flowers alive and well. Planning is working to provide directions on planting, building, property lines and many other things. Last but not least is the finance, endowment and rules and regulations that provide order and budgets. Together these committees are the engine that keeps our park running smoothly. Special thanks to all the people involved with these committees.
In closing I would like to encourage everyone to run in the upcoming election to the board.  Remember you need to have your letter of Candidacy in by January 7th.  I am sure you will find the experience rewarding.
Until next time stay positive, hug each other and laugh often making great memories along the way.

Good morning, Tree Lakes family. 
What an exciting time in the park, so many activities to enjoy.  In the past week Beth and I have enjoyed the walk around the park get together, and the beautiful decorations. I encourage everyone to attend coffee and keep your eye on the boards around the park, as well as watching the web site for information about an activity or event that may spark your interest. When I think of all the activities, I can't help but think of all the people that give of their time and effort to plan and coordinate these events.  To them I say thank you.
During the Christmas season I always remind myself that giving and sharing of a kind word, or a smile can be just as valuable as a material gift. So, as we get involved in the excitement of shopping, traveling and celebration, join with me and take the time to enjoy the intangibles. The thing that everyone has to give is kindness.
Best wishes to all, and If you are traveling, please be safe and enjoy.
Until next time Merry Christmas to you and your families

Good afternoon, Tree Lakes family.
Right off the bat I want to say that the Welcome Back Party was so much fun.  Thanks to the Activities Board and all the volunteers. The turnout was great with over 100 people having fun and dancing to great music provided by our own Dana Jewell.  And now Beth and I are looking forward to participating in the Walk Around the Park, a time to meet new friends, eat great food, and have a drink with your neighbors.  This will be the first time for Beth and me, but I have heard stories of this event in the past and how much fun it was so we are excited.  It is so easy to stay active and upbeat in the park. So many wonderful things to see and exciting things to do.  The days seem to pass quickly. Yesterday we went to Dock Side for brunch and then walked around the park and enjoyed everyone's Christmas Decorations.  I recommend that stroll for everyone.  The day to day running of the park is equally busy as Dan and his team work to keep everything clean and ready to go and for that, I say thank you!
Please continue to watch the board and find something that you and your family would like to do and get involved.  If that special activity is not there, get with the activity group and volunteer to make it happen.
Until next time, have fun and share your happiness with others.

Happy Monday Tree Lakes family. On my walk to the office this morning I thought to myself what a wonderful place this is and how blessed Beth and I are to be here. We had a great Thanksgiving in Indiana with the family, full of great food and laughter.  It was nice to hear all the good things about the dinner at Tree Lakes while we were away. I want to thank all the volunteers that worked and contributed to this event.
I am sure all of you are wondering what is going on with the gate.  As of Monday, we received a verbal from the insurance company.  I have authorized the gate company to move forward with manufacturing.  I am waiting for a timeline for completion, when I receive that information, I will pass it along to everyone.
Also, per board approval I authorized Tillman Fiber to proceed with high-level drawings of the fiber installation. This means that the park is one step closer to having choices regarding Wi-Fi. Lastly the facilities committee is getting quotes for pool resurfacing, and park security cameras for board review.  I am excited about these future improvements as we continue to focus on maintaining the amenities and improving park security. 
It is so nice to see the park up and going for the season.  Please make sure to review the boards around the park for activities and meeting schedules.  I look forward to seeing all of you out and about. Remember, unfortunately, father time is going to catch us all … but it is our job to make him chase us!
Until next time, be kind to each other and laugh a lot.


Another great day in Tree Lakes!
A great weekend is passed.  Beth and I were able to complete some projects around the house, enjoy happy hours with friends and brunch on Sunday.  The laughter and fun were rejuvenating after a challenging but productive week. Thanks to our Tree Lakes friends for the invitations.
The park is busy, and the activities are at full swing. Judging from the sounds people are having a great time.
Things you need to know:
  • Before you enter the pool allow your sunscreen to dry per the manufacture instructions. By doing this you will cut down on the number of phosphates in the pool and prevent cloudy water and pool closings.
  • As everyone is aware the water in the park has been shut off a couple of times in the past weeks. This was done to fix standpipes with leaks.  If at all possible, we will provide notice prior to shutting the water off. Please make sure you have access to the web site for this information.
In closing, please have fun, stay involved and have a happy Thanksgiving

Good afternoon
The park is filled with activity and happy noises. As the park fills up with people, questions follow.  So I would like to take this opportunity to answer some of them.  
  • What's going on with the gate? The estimate has been received and sent to the insurance company for review. I am confident the manufacturing of the replacement gate will be under way soon.
  • Why are the fish dying in the lake ? The armored catfish are dying because of the salt levels in the lake. This rise in the salt level is caused by storm surge and lack of rain. The good news is that this change is affecting the catfish that are harming the lake by burrowing into the banks.
  • When is Tessa leaving? Tessa will be working with Dan our new park manager to familiarize him with the park processes.  When that task is complete, she will be moving on to her new adventure.
I am sure questions will continue to come up. To get good answers I have some tips:  1) Attend committee meetings. 2) Make your way to coffee on Tuesday morning.  3) Last, but not least, look online at our web site,  In closing, it is so fun to get involved and make things happen, rather than standing on the side lines and watching things happen, or worse, not knowing what is happening.
Remember to laugh allot and have a great time.


Good morning!  This morning started out pleasantly with the sound of new people coming in and the sounds of a competitive game of pickle ball in the distance as I walked to the office. 
Last week was productive and the board was able to close a lot of open issues.  Jimmy was hired and will remain under a temporary contract until December when his regular contract will start. He will live on site in the house provided by the association for the Maintenance person.  I am confident that Jimmy will be a great addition to our staff.  Please help me welcome him.
Also, we have filled the Park Manager position. Dan Richards will start next Monday.  Dan brings a lot of experience to the table. The board is excited to work with him to address key objectives this season.
As our park opens up and people arrive, the need for volunteers rises.  Please check with the Park Manager and the Committee Chairs to see where you can help.  Also watch the bulletin boards around the park for meeting schedules and workshop times.  It is important to stay involved and share your ideas.
Make sure to enjoy the animals that make our park their home, eagles, otters, and sandhill cranes to name a few.  
Please have fun and let me know if you need anything. 

Good morning Tree Lakes.
It is a great day to be in the park. Our park family members continue to trickle in.  It is a joy to see everyone and hear the laughter.  The past week has been bizzy for me as the board works through the process of filling the positions of park manager.  I know that concerns mount as the faces of the staff change. I would like to take this opportunity to assure everyone that all is well, and I am confident that the new additions to the staff will provide outstanding service.
I must say that Beth and I have only been back a short period of time, but we have enjoyed the sites. Just last week while in the pool we were visited by the eagle. What a beautiful sight.
 We took an opportunity to spend some time at the beach enjoying the sunshine. Not to mention playing darts and socializing with everyone week before last.  Darts are becoming very popular.  So bring your darts and come join us for a friendly game when you arrive. If you are already here, I can't wait to see you on a team.
Until next time please be safe on your way back to Tree Lakes. 


Good morning Tree Lakes.
Last week was a great week!  Beth and I visited the beach for the first time since coming home, it was beautiful as expected.  Also, we were able to hire James Burns to fill the Maintenance position on a temporary basis with the possibility of permanent employment at a later date.  I am confident that he will be a great fit.  
It is exciting to see friends pulling in the park to begin the season.  I am looking forward to greeting each of them and sharing stories.
I am excited about the upcoming season.  Please take time to consider volunteering for a committee or heading up an activity.  I am sure this will be rewarding for you and a big help to the park.
Thank you in advance for your involvement and enthusiasm in the success of the park.  Until next week, laugh a lot and make memories.

Good afternoon everyone.
What an exciting time, Beth and I are back in the park.  And what a wonderful place to be.  Everything looks great thanks to all the volunteers. It is hard to believe by looking that the park withstood a near miss of a hurricane, the way the park looks speaks to the fabric and character of the people involved.  Also, it is an example of what can be accomplished when everyone works together to achieve a common goal.  
I am sure several of you are wondering about our progress on filling the maintenance position in the park.  Tessa continues to set up interviews, and I am sure this process will have positive results.  I trust that those of you that are working to make sure the park runs smoothly will continue.  With that said I encourage all of you that have not volunteered for a committee or a task in the previous season to do so this season.  I assure you that the since of reword you will receive for giving back will make the effort and work well worth it. I am excited to see all of you and chat with you about your travels.
Until next time keep smiling and live life by the drop.

I hope everyone is having a great Monday.
Beth and I are at Tom Sawyer Rv Park in West Memphis Arkansas. The view from the rear window of our camper is amazing. We are able to watch the barges make their way upriver and enjoy great sunsets.  I am sure Beth will be posting some of the pictures for you to enjoy.
Beth received some great news last week from her doctor, her cancer is gone, and no additional appointments are scheduled. Today is Beth's birthday and we are planning to have ribs at Marlow's our favorite barbeque restaurant.
This trip thus far has been so much fun, but I must admit I am excited to return to Tree Lakes and see all of you.
We will be leaving on Wednesday and should be back in the park sometime on Thursday. The hiring process is still under way I will continue to keep you posted as we move forward.  I am confident that we will find the best fit for the park. Last but not least please continue to pray for Renee as she works through her medical issues.
Until next time, please fill your life with joy and great memories.

Good morning, everyone.
today Beth and I are at Patoka state park. This is a wonderful place to camp, with abundant wildlife and beautiful fall colors.  Daily we have been visited by deer enjoying the persimmon's that have fallen to the ground. And yesterday we saw a group of hen turkeys enjoying them as well.  We will be leaving on Wednesday bound for Tom Sawyer campground in west Memphis Arkansas. We will be camping on the banks of the Mississippi River.  It is fun to watch the barges make their way down river. From there Beth and I will be making our way back home to Florida.
As everyone is a aware by now we experienced a setback in the hiring process.  The gentleman that expressed interest in the job decided not to take the position.  Although disappointed I am confident that that we will find the right candidate shortly.
On another topic but equally important is the need for volunteers for the upcoming season.  I know that a list of activities that need help has been sent out. Please review that list and get involved.  Your involvement is what makes the park great. 
Thank you for your support and help.
Until next time be kind and make memories.

Good morning Tree Lakes family.
Beth and I are at Patoka Lake. It is the second largest lake in Indiana.  We are looking forward to doing some hiking today. Our surroundings have the signs of fall. The cool evenings and the brisk mornings provide great opportunities for campfires, something we really enjoy.
This past week I have answered a lot of questions about the maintenance position. Our applicant has provided the needed information to move forward with the background check, drug testing, and references.  I am optimistic that this process will move forward quickly, and the new person will be in place by September 25th. 
In several of my discussions with the members of our park, the beginning phrase is "I am hearing...".  The majority of this information is incorrect.  To assure that the information you are getting is the right information, contact Tessa or myself or any board member you are comfortable speaking with.  Also reading this blog is a good way to stay up to date.
I look forward to seeing all of you soon. Safe travels and enjoy the scenery on your way back to Tree Lakes.
Until next week laugh a lot and make memories.

Good morning, Tree Lakes family.
As I am sure you have noticed, I missed my blog last week.  Beth and I have been on the move, and I have had a lot of Tree Lakes business to work on. Well so much for the excuses.  We are in Bloomington, Indiana now and having fun with the family. Beth is enjoying lunches with her sisters.  I am into a little rougher things like side-by-side rides with my sons.  For those of you that don't know what a side-by-side is, it is a four-wheel drive vehicle made for climbing hills, rocks and navigating off road trails. Yesterday Beth and I hosted a family get together prior to leaving on Thursday. We enjoyed hearing laughs and sharing stories with everyone.   Photos will be on Facebook if you would like to share in the fun with us. I am pleased to say we are moving rapidly toward filling the maintenance position within the park.  I am so thankful for everyone who has stepped up to help during this transition.  All the reports that I have received indicate that the park is in great shape.  For that I say thank you.
Until next time, laugh a lot and make great memories.

Good morning, Tree Lakes family. 
Beth and I left Michigan last Thursday and are settled in at Turkey Run state park for this week. This park is a must see with magnificent views of past glaciers, fantastic hiking trails and beautiful trees. at some point this week Beth and I are planning to Kayak down sugar creek. Beth will be posting some pictures so everyone can enjoy the trip with us.
It is hard to believe that we have about five weeks until we are back in Tree Lakes, I must say this trip has been a great one so far. 
As we get closer to home, my excitement is building. I am looking forward to the possibilities that await Tree Lakes in the coming season, and I look forward to being able to be a part.  I hope that everyone will participate and explore the positive changes you would like to make happen.

Unfortunately, I woke this morning to the news that that a hurricane is approaching.  I spoke with Tessa this morning and the preparation is going along well.  special thanks to all those who are helping out.  It is my understanding that our area is under a watch now.  I hope that should this change to a warning and the evacuation order is given that everyone is the park will leave for safer accommodations.
Although Beth and I are not in the park are thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Until next week stay safe and influence your surroundings with laughter, love and kindness.

Happy Monday to everyone in Tree Lakes. 
Today Beth and I are in Michigan, enjoying Sage Lake with friends. we will be leaving here on Thursday heading for Turkey Run state park. The time here has gone by so fast.  I will hate to leave, saying goodby to Brenda and Steve is always tough. Even though I am looking forward to kayaking down sugar creek and hiking. 
In my conversation this morning with Tessa I was pleased to hear that everything is going well.  We are moving forward with the resume process to fill the Maintenance position when all members of the board return for the season.  It is hard to believe that Beth and I have about six weeks left to this adventure. With that said I am excited about the upcoming season in Tree Lakes and reuniting with all of you. Please continue to follow us on Face book. Also please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments about Tree Lakes business or just want to say hi.
So, until next time please be safe and smile allot and have fun.

Good afternoon, Tree lakes family.
I hope you are doing well; we are in Hanna Indiana. This past weekend we have enjoyed the campground farmers market and the Hanna festival.  Hanna is a very small town close to the boarder of Indiana and Michigan.  It is wonderful to drive through and admire the old houses still in great shape, somehow drawing you back to a simpler time. Beth and I were able to see 3 good bands and enjoy some good food. Today we went to Kemil Beach in the Indiana dunes national park, walked in the sand and enjoyed some great views.
We will leave here on Thursday heading for Michigan to visit friends on Sage Lake. 
Although we are moving around, seeing some wonderful sites and meeting some great people, my mind is not far from Tree Lakes and the excitement of seeing all of you in October.  On that topic I spoke with Tessa this morning, and all is well.  We have had some mechanical difficulties, but the team has handled them.  Special thanks to everyone who has stepped up to provide assistance during this transition.
Shortly we will begin the process of hiring a maintenance person for our park. It is my expectation that the process although difficult will be smooth and yield good results.  I understand that this signals a difficult change for the park family.  I want to encourage everyone to be patient and positive.
I will keep you posted as we move forward.
Until next time enjoy your adventures and hug each other.

Good morning, Tree lakes family.
I am writing this from the Payne Town campground in Bloomington In. The week has been great, and Beth and I have enjoyed friends and family, great food and fun.
I must admit the park has been on my mind, with the passing of Doug and thinking about navigating the path forward.  On that subject I want to assure everyone that we are moving forward as planned.  Special thanks to the volunteers that have stepped up and made things happen with a positive attitude and willing heart.
I encourage everyone to be patient as we work through this process.
On a lighter note, we had a wonderful time this weekend.  Our son smoked a pot-roast and made shredded beef tacos. A Mexican family was camping beside us and were grinding corn and making pork pupusas. We were able to share food and make new friends.
The next day the same family made us Mexican hotdogs for lunch. The description is going to make you hungry. A grilled hot dog wrapped with bacon and topped with mustard and ketchup jalapenos, onions, and tomato's and last but not least a pinch of salon Tro. it was great. 
Beth and I will be leaving here on Thursday moving north with a stop in Hanna Indiana before going on to Michigan meeting friends on Sage Lake for a couple of weeks.  I will keep you posted on our progress, and I am sure Beth will be adding stuff to Face Book.
I hope your days are packed with love and laughter. Until next time.

Good afternoon.  
Beth and I are having a great time hiking and site seeing. Right now, we are at Tween the Lakes campground in Kentucky. Lake Barkley and Kentucky lake are the main attractions. The campground we are in is small and surrounded by trees. We completed a 2-mile hike Saturday on the public trail next to the campground. On that trip we were able to see a doe lope through the woods after being spooked by our presence.  Beth also found a baby box turtle on the trail.  He did not seem to be bothered by us at all and was ok with the close observation. 
The 2-mile trail yesterday was a little more rugged and proved to be a challenge, but Beth and I completed it in a little over an hour.
Today we are taking another hike and going to have lunch at the Thirsty Turtle.  Make sure to follow Beth on Facebook to see the photos from our adventures.
Although I am having a great time, not a day goes by without thinking about Doug and others that are going through health issues.  I know these things leave the people going through them and all those involved feeling helpless and out of control.  Please take comfort in knowing that God is in control, and he knows our suffering and our strength.  Continue to focus on faith and continue to pray.
I am in touch with Tessa daily and can assure everyone that the park is running smoothly. 
Until next week have fun and make every day count with love and great memories.

7 /17/23
Good afternoon 
I am writing this from Pell City Alabama, we are camping at the Lakeside RV Park on Cusa River. The day started with a run in the Pell City Park Nature Trail making the workout all the more pleasant. After completing a 2-mile run, Beth and I enjoyed the garden.  So nice to be back in the camper and experiencing the open road.  We will be here until Thursday and then on to Kentucky.  I am sure Beth and I will have a great time there for a week and then on to Bloomington Indiana to Payne Town Recreational area to spend time with our grandchildren. I am attaching some photos below so you can enjoy the sites with us.
I spoke with Tessa this morning and she assured me all was going well in the park although Doug's condition continues to deteriorate.  I assure you that the team on the ground and myself continues to monitor the situation and will keep you posted.  
Please enjoy the photos below and your time away.
until next time, enjoy every moment, hug each other often.
Good afternoon 
I hope everyone is doing well today.  The first day back from Vermont where Beth and I had such a) wonderful time with Dana and Marie. Days were filled with boat rides and site seeing.  Not to mention the wonderful food and accommodations. They were so gracious and opened their home to us, and for that Beth and I say thanks so much.  Both of us started missing them as soon as the plane took off.  For all of you that are thinking about going that direction Vermont is a must see.
Now that we are back in the park Beth and I are working diligently to get the camper loaded and everything ready to begin our adventure.  I will do my best to continue the blog and keep everyone in the loop during our travels. 
I know everyone is concerned about Doug's status. Doug continues to have a positive attitude in his health battle.  I am sure it helps him to know that all of his Tree Lake family are in this fight with him. As a means of assistance Tessa called a meeting with some park owners that have agreed to help with daily tasks if needed.  In this meeting she highlighted items that she thought were priority.  The team was very willing to help.  I was glad to attend this meeting and leave with confidence knowing that Tessa has things well in control.  
Thanks everyone for taking the time to read this note every week. I hope it serves the purpose of communicating our progress and my thoughts.
Please be safe and continue to make memories and hug each other.

good afternoon
I hope everyone is doing well today. This week seemed to fly by.  Beth and I are getting ready for this season's adventures. On Monday we fly to Vermont to enjoy the 4th of July with Dana and Marie. We look forward to spending a week with them, coming back on the 10th This stop will be brief though, on July 12th we will hook to the camper and travel until the first week of October. I must admit I am excited. I look forward to seeing our grandkids and sharing laughs around the campfire, as well as sharing long hikes with Beth and enjoying the sites. As I am excited about the future, I am equally excited about the past and the things that we have accomplished in the park in the off season. We have sealed the roads, installed the new chemical monitor on the pool, remodeled the kitchen and lastly repaired the dock at Macmillan Creek. I would like to thank everyone involved in these projects for their help and support.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook or my blog and we will keep you posted as our adventure progresses. I miss all of you and look forward to seeing you next season.

Good morning,
I hope everyone is enjoying their time away from the park.  Beth and I are enjoying the days in spite of the heat.  We always find things to do, quality time at the beach or relaxing by the pool. Whatever we do I cant help but to think how blessed we are.
Although the thought is that in the off season the park is shut down and the activity is stopped.  that is not the case.  while walking to the office this morning, I took notice of the saws and hammers in the background, as owners prepare for the upcoming season. And when I got to the office, I was greeted by the sounds of families laughing and playing in the pool, what a pleasant surprise.
Doug and Renee are keeping busy as well, spraying for pests, painting pool furniture, among other things. Also I don't want to fail to mention the beautification team that work tirelessly to keep the flower gardens and planters looking so good no matter what the weather is doing. And last but not least Tessa that works behind the seen to keep everything going. It is eye opening to sit in the office and listen as she orders material, guides future owners through the document process and answers the phon.  I would like to thank everyone involved in the park for making this such a great place to live and visit.  
Lastly, an update on the kitchen material. The installation team said that they were coming today to finish the work, unfortunately the materials are late, and the team is unable to start.  I have been assured that just as quickly as the materials arrive the team will be on site to complete the work.  
I will keep you posted.
Until next time, be safe and enjoy one another.

Good morning, first and foremost I want to say happy Father's Day to all the fathers that celebrated last weekend.  I hope you had a great day. so far Monday is going well. I expect this week to be busy, as Beth and I start preparation to travel in July. The excitement of the open road and seeing the grandchildren is creeping in.             
 Everything in Tree Lakes is going well.  the tentative date for the kitchen material to arrive and the project to be complete is the week of the 26th. I will post pictures so everyone can enjoy the finished product.
Thanks to Curt Rude and Larry Bud and others we were able to complete the decking of the dock going out to Mc Mullen Creek last week.  The old decking had become unstable and needed to be replaced.  Curt was able to get a team together and make this happen. Now for those of you that enjoy this area you can access it safely.
For most of us when talking to someone in another area one of the first questions is what's the weather like, let me answer that question HOT!  No worries with water on every side we are not far from relief and a great time.  Saturday was one of those days. But a text from our nephew inviting us on a boat ride at Boca Grand addressed the concerns of overheating that Beth and I had and provided a great day with family, so much fun.
I hope all of you are having great experiences.
until next week remember to love each other and laugh allot. 

Good afternoon 
A little late today getting started on my blog.  I have been busy but never to busy to share what is going on in the park.  I know a lot of you are concerned about Doug's status. The personal information regarding his health I don't have any information to share.  I can say he is fulfilling his obligations to the park and can be seen throughout the day taking care of things. 
I am very happy that Doug and Renee have closed on their new home.  I noticed that some work has started on the inside, I look forward to seeing the finished product. Doug has decided to reduce his hours to 25 hours a week.  I am sure he wants to take more time for himself and his plans for the new home. I support him in this decision, I assure you that Doug is and will continue to be a big part of the operation and the Tree Lakes family for as long as he chooses.  
The park looks great and is running smoothly.  We are still waiting on the material for the remaining work in the kitchen.  I am optimistic that it will arrive soon, I will keep you posted.  The lake seems healthy, fish jumping, and the water seems to be getting clearer the more rain we get.  The pool is looking great and getting plenty of use as the weather is heating up.  
A few people are remodeling their units and some new owners are coming in to close on property in preparation for the upcoming season.  Long story short the park population is down but it remains busy.  The full timers go on with the day to day and their set activities.  As I am typing this, I notice people getting ready for bingo, and that's my signal that it is time for me to head home.
have a great day and have a lot of fun. 

Good morning 
I hope everyone is doing well. it is another beautiful day; the sun is shining, and the flowers and trees are in full bloom.  The projects that we had working are coming to a close.  the kitchen is complete less some of the cabinet facings that were damaged in shipment.  they should be completed in the next couple of weeks. The sinks are in and one is plumbed and working and the other will be complete this week.  Although the kitchen is not completely finished it is operational.
I must say I am pleased with the look, and I am sure you will be as well. The roads are complete and looking good. to address some of the traffic concerns some additional road markings have been added such as directional arrows, speed reminders and stop signs.
It is hard to believe that this is the last month for Beth and I before we begin our adventures on the road. We will leave mid-July and return in October.  We are looking forward to spending time with our family and friends, enjoying long hikes and beautiful campfires.  I will be equally excited to get back to Tree Lakes and share stories with all of you about our time away, what a blessing.
So until next week have a great time enjoy every moment and be safe.
laugh a lot and make memories.

Good afternoon.
Memorial Day is here, a time to reflect and say thank you to the men and women that have served and those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. This past week has been complete with much needed rain. Beth and I took the opportunity to set on the porch and watch it rain and listen to music.  We were excited to see a rainbow and interesting cloud formations.
The kitchen continues to move forward, the cabinets will be complete today with the exception of a few pieces that were damaged in shipping.  The countertop installation will start Wednesday. Last but not least the plumber will be here on Thursday, to Install the new faucets. The photo below will give you a glimpse of the progress. Special thanks to all the workers and the committees for their efforts. 
it never gets old being a part of progress and positive change.  I thank all of you for giving me this opportunity. Please make sure to say thank you to those family and friends that have served our great country.  Have fun hug each other and make great memories, until next time have a great day.xzsXws8izg7CrwwR.jpg

Good morning, I hope everyone is doing well. It has been very exciting around here, The roads are complete with new markings.  The cabinet supplier called and moved the installation date up to 5/27/23. A big thank you to Curt Miller for his help keeping the kitchen project moving,
although I have been busy, Beth and I have been able to enjoy the pool and a riverwalk stroll last week.
I also got a chance to respond to suggestions received. I was proud when I noticed that i was able to respond to them with a positive solution. With that said I want to give special thanks to everyone involve in making the suggestions a reality. Unfortunately, I noticed that allot of them did not have a name or email address, so I was unable to share our progress.  I know that some are skeptical about providing contact information. I understand your concern. I want to assure you that your suggestions are confidential.  I encourage everyone to continue your participation in this process so that the board can address the issues that are important to you.
Until next week, have fun and enjoy your adventures.


Good morning Tree Lakes and a special shout out to the mothers that are reading this.  I hope your mothers day was special and jammed packed with love laughter and memories.
Last week was exciting, complete with beautiful beach days, and fun with friends. The park projects are going well.  The sealing of the roads will be complete today and the clubhouse kitchen is ready and waiting for the cabinet team scheduled for June 3rd. I scanned Facebook yesterday and was glad to see post and photos of Tree Lakes folks having a great time exploring and enjoying their time away from the park.  Beth and I are enjoying our time here but I must say I am getting excited about traveling again this year. We have several stops planned.  Although I am sure I will have fun in the present, thoughts and ideas for improvements for the park, and the path forward will not be far away.  Some would argue that is the burden of the job, for me it is the opposite. Planning, and watching the plan's become reality is the reward. 
Having a purpose is the fuel that keeps me moving forward. I am honored that I have the opportunity to put my energy into a wonderful place like Tree Lakes.
Remember everyday is a new start for everyone the only challenge is to be a better person than you were the day before.
Remember to hug each other and laugh a lot.

Good morning 
another great day at Tree Lakes.  The weather is great, and the evenings are complete with beautiful views of stars and glowing moon views. I must admit looking around at the empty homes makes me miss you all.  I hope that your adventures are going well. 
The road team is moving along as scheduled.  Today they are scheduled to start Palm Lane and Lakeside Drive. Thanks everyone for your patience during this process.  With the park slowing down Beth and I have been enjoying beach visits and the occasional boat ride with family.  Make sure to take a look at her Facebook page she always posts some good pictures.  
I am so glad to have the opportunity to be a part of Tree lakes and enjoy the surrounding area. 
Please remember to take the time to enjoy everything around you no matter where you are.
Until next week please be safe, hug those around you and laugh a lot and make memories.

Good morning, Tree Lakes family, I hope this note finds you well and having fun.  The park is taking on a different personality as the majority of the residents have left for their summer adventures.  But that doesn't mean that it is any less beautiful.  This morning I almost had to move the squirrels out of the way while walking to the office. They seemed to acknowledge me coming but much too busy to give me the right of way.  Also, the eagles have been feasting on the bounty in the lake.  More than once in the last few weeks I have observed one of them with a fish that was almost too large to travel with.
the lake is looking great, Thanks to the hard work of the lake committee chaired by Don Brewer and Mary Podobinski. 
I would like to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to our full timers.  This group keeps the park moving when the rest of us are away, for that I say thank you.
We are making progress with the Kitchen renovation, the floor is installed and waiting on the counter tops and cabinet work.  The road resurfacing will start today.  both of these projects have a inconvenience factor built in to them. I am confident that we can work through this with minimal difficulty.
Lastly I cant help but be surprised every time I go to town at how fast everyone is driving and then I look down at my speed and realize that I am right in the mix.  At that point I try to remind myself that I am retired and living the best years of my life, why not slow down and enjoy then.
With that said, when you are out and about your summer time adventures it never hurts to remind yourself to slow down and enjoy every detail. 
please stay safe and keep me posted along the way.


Good morning, Tree Lakes family. 
Another great morning, this morning started out with a rain shower that was much needed.  This past week several people have left the park for the summer.  I must say I miss them already.  I look forward to their return and the surprise when they see the new kitchen renovations and the newly sealed roads. 
I have had concerned owners approach me about the alligators.  We are in the process of removing them.  Luckly Doug found a trapper that will relocate them to another area, and that is a good thing.
To those of you traveling, please be safe and make sure to share photos and stories.
Make sure to have fun and laugh a lot!

Good afternoon Tree Lakes family. We are getting some much-needed rain and that is a good thing. For some reason is seems that the wildlife is moving around more than usual. Last week Beth and I observed an eagle eating a large fish that he captured.  And this morning I was made aware that our large alligator was enjoying a walk in the rain. Unfortunately, it may be time to have this big guy taken from the park.  I have asked Tessa to contact the people for this task.  I reluctantly do this because I know that is the end of the line for the animal. That being said, safety is first!  I for one will miss the fascination of watching him.
I have noticed everyone preparing for the road work, thank you!
The park is slowing down as people move to their summer homes.  Although I don't like seeing everyone leave, I look forward to seeing photos and hearing stories about your adventures and fun.  I am sure you will be surprised when you return to see how the park has changed with the completion of new road surfaces, new kitchen cabinets, countertops, floor and paint.  
I have enjoyed being a part of the progress and the excitement.  
Please take time to make memories and laugh a lot and love one another.
Safe travels.

It is a great day in Tree Lakes, I hope everyone is well and having a good time.  I notice that several people have left the park and that is bittersweet.  Although we are reaching the end of the season our community is still active.  People walking, laughing and sharing good times with others.  So great to see and hear. At the same time we are making progress with improvements. The sealing of the roads is scheduled, with that said please make sure you know the date for your road and prepare for it by making sure that cars and outdoor objects are moved as far as possible from the work path. The sequence of the work information is available in the office and hanging in the post office for your review.
Beth and I are looking forward to our travels this summer. We always enjoy seeing new places and meeting new friends and reuniting with old ones.  We will begin our adventure the first week of July and return home the first week or two of October.
I am sure Beth will be posting our experiences on Facebook so make sure to keep up with us and keep us posted on what you are doing.
Until next week remember laugh a lot and love each other.

Good afternoon, Tree Lakes family!  Last week while walking to and around the pool I was amazed at the amount of wildlife I saw. And then yesterday, while playing shuffleboard with friends, we spotted a pair of yellow crested night herons.  It is exciting that our lake is providing a sustainable habitat for these animals.  Remember we do not have the responsibility to feed them.  The only responsibility we have is to slow down, watch and enjoy them.
    We have finalized the start date and sequence for the road sealing.  Please review this information on the bulletin boards around the park and make sure all cars are out of the way at your designated date. As I have said in the past, please shift your focus from the inconvenience of this process to the finished product. 
I look forward to seeing you at the next Workshop and Board Meeting.  Remember your input is key in directing the board and committees on improvements and issues in the park that need to be changed.
     Lastly if you are leaving this week please be careful and enjoy.
Until next week, please take the time to love each other, laugh a lot and make memories.
Association President 
Ron Chapman

Good afternoon, it is a great day in Tree Lakes.   We are moving forward with the park light installation, special thanks to Dave Berkley, John Martucci and Mike Catella for their hard work and expertise. This project was started by the past board members under the direction of John Martucci and continued by the facilities and grounds committee directed by Dave Burkley.  This is an ongoing project that when complete will improve visibility for those enjoying a walk or bike ride in the park.  An activity that I would strongly recommend for those that can.
    I am pleased to say that I picked up the memorial flag today and it looks great!  I have asked Tessa to delay the hanging of the new flag until we get the ropes replace on the larger flag poles.  This is scheduled sometime this week.  I look forward to getting all the flags in place and enjoying the view.
I am working with our team and the supplier to finalize the sequence of the asphalt sealing project. I will provide more information at the workshop and the board meeting.
Lastly a few board members and I were privileged to attend a seminar dealing with Co-op, HOA, and Condo management.  This was informative and helpful.  During a question-and-answer session with the legal panel, the audience pointed out several scenarios of underperformance and miscommunication, by management companies and contractors in their communities.  At that point I realized how blessed our community is.  Thanks to all of you for your involvement in the day-to-day operation. 
In closing I would like to congratulate all of the new owners and say welcome! I look forward to seeing you out and about.  Remember to laugh a lot, make memories and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and have fun. Until next time.

Ron Chapman
Association President 


Good morning, Tree Lakes I need to start out by saying that I am excited about our progress reviving the standing committees. By the end of this week, I will have met with each committee prior to them appointing a chairperson to discuss and define roles and responsibilities. I am optimistic that when these committees are up and running, the Tree Lakes family will see an improvement in communication and planning throughout the park. in the long run adherence to this structure will allow the finance committee to plan for infrastructure and facilities expense.
     In closing I hope all of you were able to see the rocket launch last Tuesday. It was a beautiful sight from the pool deck. I thought to myself afterword so many times i spend my time looking down making sure I see the obstacles in front of me.  The downside of that is I must miss several wonderful things above me.
The moral to that story is stop and look up and see the beauty.

Good afternoon! Today is another great day at Tree Lakes. I want to thank all of you for working together to make Tree Lakes a wonderful place to be. Along those lines the board is working to identify and establish the necessary standing committees for our community. I am excited to say that we will be motioning in some new committee members in at the board meeting this Thursday. Please come and welcome them and thank them for committing their time and effort to maintain and improve our community.
Also, I am pleased to announce the gate equipment is installed and working well. I know the gate being closed is a change for all of us. Please be patient with yourselves and others as the new routine becomes a habit. if you have questions about changing your gate code, operating the gate remotely or getting a new access button please come to the office and talk with Tessa. She will be glad to help you.
Continue to stay involved!  Have lots of fun.  And don't forget to look around and take in the beauty.
Until next time.
Ron Chapman, Association Board President   

Good afternoon, Tree lakes family. I hope everyone is enjoying the great weather and the magnificent sunsets.
I am sure it is difficult to think about leaving.  But the truth is, the time is coming quickly.  So please consider how you are going to prepare for the off season. Everyone is aware of the unpredictability of the weather.  With that said please make sure that all loose items are properly stored, and awnings are down and secured. Walk around and make sure all skirting is secured tightly to your unit.  Last but not least, make sure you have an agent to watch your place while you are away.
In closing, I have a question "Are you interested in being on a committee or volunteering for an activity?"  If so, please come to Koffee or see a board member.  Take it from me, the feeling of giving back is awesome.
Have a great day.... have fun, laugh often and make memories.

To All...
    Now that the elections are in the rearview mirror, I would like to thank you for your support and kind words. As you are aware, we will be starting two projects: the gate equipment replacement and the sealing of the roads. I know these projects will bring some inconvenience. Please be patient and focus on the finished product.
    Also, please get involved and come to the Board Workshops and activities around the park.
I look forward to seeing you and sharing ideas on how to improve our park.
                                                                                      Ron Chapman, Association Board President